


Technical assistance for adaptive and sustainable rural economy

The project will empower farmers through the provision of continued technical assistance and support in the field of marketing, both in-situ and...
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Biomass Heating System in Fontecchio AQ

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Based in MMI results, the purpose of this action is to start up a pilot value chain for sustainable biomass heating in...
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Medium Aterno valley “Model Forest” planning

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The objective of this action is to draw up a “forest sustainable & multitasking management plan” for the Medium Aterno Valley, based...
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The Aterno River Contract

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This action purpose is to develop and share a “River Contract”, which aims to improve water and riverine ecosystems management. River Contracts...
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Crosscutting Action

One of the lessons learned by the partner organisations through the previous phase of the project (2012-2015) is the critical importance of...
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Aterno River - Abruzzo 

Riverine forest restoration along the Aterno River

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Identify one suitable area and restore at least 1 Km of riverine ecosystem in the medium Aterno basin. Activity: first field survey...
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